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Thursday, May 11, 2023
"Oracle International" Confirms Participation in the First International Conference on Digital Transformation Held by AAUP

Oracle International, one of the leading and most important information technology companies in the world, announced its participation in the first international conference on digital transformation, which is being held by the Arab American University in Ramallah.

The international conference will be held under the slogan: "Empowering Digital Future" under the auspices of His Excellency the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, on June 20.

The participation of Oracle International, which was founded in 1977 by Larry Ellison, is an important occurrence in Palestine in light of the nature of its specialized work, and its possession of a large number of customer service centers in more than 145 countries, including sectors related to the Palestinian technological and digital market.

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Mr. Mohammad Sabaaneh Participates in a Conference at the University of Exeter, UK, Entitled "Transformation of Solidarity"

The instructor in the Department of Architecture and Design and the Palestinian artist, Mohammad Sabaaneh, participated in the conference that was held in the British city of Exeter with the participation of a group of British and international academics, the most prominent of whom was Professor Ilan Pappé, the head of the conference.

Mr. Sabaaneh's participation was entitled "Palestinian Visual Art and its Role in Political and Social Change". In this participation, he presented the most important Palestinian experiences in this field, using visual arts as of the Nakba to the Palestinian Revolution, ending with his personal experience, reflecting on academic theories and experiences worldwide.

This came in an academic conference held by the Center for Arab Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, entitled "The Transformation of Solidarity".

Saturday, April 15, 2023
the First Global Conference on Digital Transformation

The Arab American University is completing its preparations to hold the first global conference on digital transformation in mid-June, under the auspices of His Excellency the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas "Abu Mazen", may Allah protect him.

Prof. Dr. Waleed Deeb, the Academic Adviser to the Board of Directors of the Arab American University, stated that the conference will be distinguished by the topics it presents, the partnerships that are being worked on, the national and international mobilization that is being arranged, in addition to the recommendations that we look forward to coming up with, which will have a constructive impact on the digital transformation process.


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