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Tuesday, May 7, 2024
AAUP Students from the Faculty of Medicine Participate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) Meeting

Students Ahmed Dmaidi and Nada Takrouri from the Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University participated in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) meeting. This meeting was held by the International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA).

This meeting was held to discuss and explore pressing health care issues, and served as a center for cooperation, knowledge exchange and communication among medical students and professionals from different countries of the region.

Monday, April 29, 2024
The AAUP Faculty of Medicine Holds a Meeting with Cardiff University in Britain

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has held a meeting with the (HIVE) Digital and Teaching Innovation Unit at Cardiff University in Britain. The meeting was attended by the assistant deans of the Faculty of Medicine, directors of the departments, the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty’s two branches on the University’s campuses in Jenin and Ramallah, as well as Dr. Athanasios Hassoulas from Cardiff University.

The meeting included the presentation of immersive educational experiences and e-learning resources that fill the gaps in students’ knowledge of many medical topics, which is considered a qualitative addition to the method of teaching.

Sunday, April 14, 2024
The Arab American University and the Istishari Hospital in Amman Sign a Cooperation Agreement to Train Medical Students

As part of its constant efforts to develop the field of medical education, enhance health care, and prepare and qualify medical personnel, the Arab American University and the Istishari Hospital in Amman / Jordan signed a cooperation agreement. This agreement aimed at training medical students enrolled at AAUP on its Ramallah and Jenin campuses. This is for the sake of improving the provision of therapeutic and preventive medical services and preparing as well as qualifying medical staffs.

The Arab American University was represented by the Vice President for the Ramallah Campus, Professor Mohammad Asia, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Malik Zaben, while the Istishari Hospital was represented by the General Director, Dr. Tariq Al Lawzi, and the Medical Director, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Obeila.


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