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Sunday, March 19, 2023
AAUP Holds A Training Course on Financial Reporting for Accounting, Finance and Data Science Students

The Arab American University and the Palestine Public Finance Institute conducted a training course on public finance and the mechanism of financial reporting. The course, in which the Director General of Accounts at the Ministry of Finance Mr. Ahmad Thuminat gave lectures, targeted students of Accounting, Finance and Data Science, at the Faculty of Administrative Financial Sciences.

The course was inaugurated with a speech delivered by both the Head of the Finance and Data Science Department, Dr. Rasha Abbadi, and the Head of the Accounting Department, Dr. Rajeh Alawneh. In their speech, they welcomed the attendees. They stressed the importance of the course for students who are graduating from the Departments of Accounting, Finance and Data Science. They also indicated that this course benefits the students when they enter the labor market, encouraging them to benefit from the experience of Mr. Ahmad Thuminat.

Monday, April 4, 2022
AAUP Master Student Wins the 2nd Place in the Islamic Palestinian Bank Award for Scientific Research

Nael Abed Aljabar Zaidan, a researcher and  computer science student at The Arab American University, won the second place in the Islamic Palestinian Bank Award for scientific research for the year 2021-2022.

During a celebration that was organized by the ministry of higher education and scientific research, and the Islamic Palestinian Bank at the national institute for educational training,  it was announced that the researcher won second place and he received a reward in the presence of The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mowais and the director of the Islamic Palestinian Bank Dr. Emad Alsadi.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Two Students Win in the National Competition of the Scientific Research for the Researcher University Student

Mohammad Qabha and Nour Junaidi won in the National Competition of the scientific research for the Researcher University Student that was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the second year.

The competition encourages university students to conduct scientific researches and continue their activities and research initiatives in order to encourage the scientific research culture and this contributes in increasing the quality of researches in Palestine and reaches the sustainable development in the research sector.


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