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AAUP and Al Jazeera Media Institute Conclude the “Mobile Journalism” Course

Sunday, December 20, 2020

 اختتمت كلية الإعلام الحديث في الجامعة العربية الأمريكية ومعهد الجزيرة للإعلام دورة تدريبية في "صحافة الموبايل" شارك فيها 19 عاملا في الحقل الإعلامي من مختلف المؤسسات الرسمية والمدنية والخاصة.

The Faculty of Modern Media in Arab American University and Al Jazeera Media Institute concluded the training course in “Mobile Journalism” with the participation of 19 workers in the media field from the different formal, civil and private institutions.

The course that was trained by the media expert Mr. Samir Namri who is a media and reporter for Al Jazeera in Oman and has over 15 years of experience in the field lasted for three days via ZOOM and it focused on many aspects including the importance of “Mobile Journalism” in the journalistic work, the types of the tools and devices that support this business, how to buy them and about the costs. In addition, the course focused on the different applications that are already available in the web that help in making press stories of high quality in terms of producing, editing, photography and sound and lighting adjustments. The course also included practical and field trainings in journalistic production using mobile phones.

The Dean of the Faculty of Modern Media in Arab American University, Dr. Hanadi Dwaikat welcomed the partners in this course from Al Jazeera Media Institute and talked about how AAUP always seeks to develop its students’ and local community skills and knowledge through organizing training courses, including students in the media field and journalists who work in the field. She added: “the philosophy of the faculty focuses on graduating students of high capabilities and professionalism, and on serving the local community, the journalist field and all people who use the media platforms.” 

Trainer Mr. Samir Namri expressed his happiness in getting to know some “Elite youth Palestinian media professionals” and said that the mobile journalism nowadays occupies all media and press institutions and their workers, especially after the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, as the mobile became the device to do the photographing, the producing, voice recording, TV reports producing, the digital stories, designing journalistic photos and live broadcasting, this means that you can use your mobile phone for everything.

Mr. Montaser Maree- the Head of the Initiatives Department in Al Jazeera Media Institute said that he hopes that all participants will master all the skills that enable them to be working journalists and welcomed such fruitful collaboration with Arab American University.

The Media Expert, Mr. Samir Namri is a reporter for Al Jazeera Media Network in Oman. He worked also as a reporter in Yemen during the war and a Photographer in the Syrian war. He has a BA in Fine Arts, an MA in Technology in Education and has 15 years of experience in the media field. He trained tens of courses for journalists and media people in Oman, Somalia and Yemen.