fbpx Assessments of Radiation Concentrations in Agricultural Crops Irrigated by Wastewater in Nablus District | الجامعة العربية الأمريكية
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Assessments of Radiation Concentrations in Agricultural Crops Irrigated by Wastewater in Nablus District


In this project, we will examine the effect of radiation on agricultural crops type, source, date, use, state, and other factors. In general, the control of radiation hazards depends on determining the levels of control needed to keep exposure below the specified thresholds. Accordingly, it is of great importance to assess radiation contamination in agricultural crops irrigated by wastewater as well as radiation concentration levels in some areas in Nablus district in order to explore health risks on humans.

It is hoped that this study might shed light on radioactivity concentration levels for many crops in order to monitor and resolve any observed hazardous changes in radioactivity concentration levels from place to place, material to material, and from season to season. Solutions to the reduce radiation hazardous and methods to treatment samples contain high concentration of these radionuclides will be proposed and developed. Finally, quantitative risk assessment models or comparisons of crop contamination will be employed to establish guidelines for wastewater reuse.