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الصفحة الشخصية - د. احمد حساسنة

عضو هيئة تدريس

الرتبة العلمية: 
أستاذ مساعد

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الشهادات العلمية: 
إسم الجامعة / الكليةالدرجة العلميةالتخصصDescription
Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine
Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Computer Systems Engineering
Courses included: Software Engineering, Compiling Techniques, Computer Networks and Communications, Digital Systems, Operating Systems, Numerical Analysis, Data Bases, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, ASP.net, Java, C and C++ Programming, Data Structures, Visual Basic, Assembler, and Calculus. This degree is obtained with an accumulative average of (%81.5) and graded with v. good. In the last year of my studying I've done, in a team environment, two graduation projects, the first one is a SOFTWARE PROJECT entitled: "Diagnostic of ECG charts via internet". The purpose of this project is to analyze and diagnosis an ECG image. In particular, the wavelet coefficients were extracted from the ECG image, and then the K-nearest neighbor rule (KNN) was used to perform the classification process. This project is implemented using MATLAB6.5, ASP.NET, and Visual studio .NET and achieved promising results. This project is graded 90%. The second HARDWARE PROJECT entitled : "Monitoring and controlling a toy car using Cellular Phones". This project demonstrates wireless bidirectional communication. The controller can navigate the car in four directions (forward, backward, right, and left) by sending voice commands to the toy car, and thus analyzed and classified using KNN algorithm. Also, the controller can receive information from the car environment like the temperature degree surrounding the car. This project is graded 93%.
Hull University, UK
Master of Science, majoring in Computer Graphics and Programming
Courses included: C++ Programming and Design, Real-time Computer Graphics (OpenGL), Game Development Architectures, Advanced Computer Graphics, Simulation and distributed systems, Visualization, and Shader Programming. Master thesis entitled: "Cancer Image Processing and Segmentation using Thresholding & Watershed Segmentation Techniques". The main contribution of this thesis is to specify and locate the not-well area (cancer area) for a given image. Basically the Thresholding and Watershed Segmentation algorithms have been used in this research work to identify the cancer area, where we have obtained brilliant results. This thesis is graded with v. good mark.
Paris SUD University, Paris, France
Ph.D. in Machine Learning & robotics
I did my Ph.D. study in LIMSI-CNRS Lab at the university of Paris SUD, which is located in Paris, France. The Ph.D. thesis entitled: “Robot Semantic Place Recognition Based on Deep Belief Networks and a Direct Use of Tiny Images”, was focused on developing a novel machine learning model (deep belief networks (DBNs)) to achieve a semantic place recognition for robotics. I obtained this degree with highest honors.
الخبرات الأكاديمية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
Full time lecturer
Hebron University, Palestine
Teaching undergraduate courses, including: computer programming, digital design, computer architecture, computer graphics, SWE, data structures, & algorithms in the department of computer science at Hebron University.
Assistant Professor
Hebron University, Palestine
Assistant professor in the department of computer science, teaching several courses including: Computer programming, digital design, computer architecture, AI, Color theory, computer graphics, SWE, data structures, & algorithms.
Head of Applied Computing Department
Palestine Technical University, Palestine
Heading the department of Applied Computing at PTUK, and teaching several courses including: computer networks, computer programming, object-oriented programming, digital design, AI, & computer graphics.
Visiting researcher
Trento University, Italy
Within the Erasmus mundus program, I've visited the Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering at Trento University for a period of 6 months. In this period, my research work was focusing on investigating the following research areas: “Optimal ECG Simulation & Diagnosis using Wavelet Approach”, and “Advanced Multimedia Computing”. Several algorithms on Object Recognition and Tracking have been implemented using Open Computer Vision (OpenCV) in C++ Programming language. Some of these algorithms are: Hotspot Detector, Car Tracking, Face Detection and Counting, & Smart Shopping Window.
Assistant Professor
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Assistant professor in the department of IT, teaching several courses including: Computer programming, digital design, AI, Introduction to Multimedia, computer graphics, SWE, advanced SWE, computer networks, data structures, & algorithms.
Head of IT department
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Chairman of IT department at PAU, and teaching several core courses, including: AI, SWE, advanced SWE, computer graphics, computer networks, & computer programming.
Dean Of Engineering and IT faculty
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Dean of Engineering & IT faculty, and teaching several core courses mentioned above.
Part-time lecturer
Arab American University, Palestine
Teaching part-time courses in the department of natural, engineering, and technology sciences, the faculty of graduate studies at AAUP, including: AI & machine learning.
Assistant Professor
Arab American University, Palestine
Assistant professor in the department of natural, engineering, technology sciences at the faculty of graduate studies, AAUP. Teaching several courses, including: AI, machine learning, research methods, introduction to data science and Python programming, and introduction to cyber security,
Visiting Researcher
Julich Research Center, Germany
Creating a research channel with Juliech research center, which is located in Germany. We have managed to initiate several joint research projects, and having joint publications, and now we have a Ph.D. student there, doing her PhD study in the field of deep learning and neuroscience.
Visiting lecturer
Middle East Technical University, Ankra,Turkey
Giving some specialized lectures in the field of deep learning and its applications
الخبرات الإدارية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
Head of Applied Computing Department
Palestine Technical University, Palestine
Heading the Computing Department at PTUK, Palestine
Head of IT department
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Heading the IT department at PAU
Dean of Engineering and IT faculty
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Dean of Engineering and IT faculty at PAU
Project Manager
Palestine Ahliya University, Palestine
Upgrading the Management Information Systems program at Palestine Ahliya University (PAU). The fundamental aim of this project is to upgrade the PAU Management Information Systems Bachelor Degree Program and raise the caliber of its graduates, enabling them to smoothly transition into the labor market and champion the field for the benefit of the Palestinian business sector.
المقررات التي تم تدريسها: 
Course Titleالمستوى
Computer Programming
دراسة جامعية
Computer Networks
دراسة جامعية
Digital Design
دراسة جامعية
Artificial Intelligence
دراسة جامعية
Software Engineering
دراسة جامعية
Advanced Software Engineering
دراسة جامعية
Special Topics in CS
دراسة جامعية
Computer Graphics using OpenGL
دراسة جامعية
Principles of Multimedia
دراسة جامعية
Data Structures
دراسة جامعية
دراسة جامعية
Image processing
دراسة جامعية
Operating systems
دراسة جامعية
دراسة جامعية
Object-oriented programming
دراسة جامعية
Artificial Intelligence
دراسات عليا
Machine learning
دراسات عليا
Information & network security
دراسات عليا
Research Methods
دراسات عليا
Dr. Ahmad Hasasneh finished his B.Sc. degree in Computer Systems Engineering (CSE) from Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) in 2005. Thereafter; in 2006, he got his M.Sc. degree in Computer Graphics and Programming from the University of Hull in UK. Later, he served as a full time lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Hebron University for more than 3 years. In 2009, he was offered a full scholarship to join the doctorate program at Paris University and he received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, majoring in Machine Learning and with distinction in 2012. Dr. Hasasneh re-joined the Computer Department at Hebron University as Assistant Professor for 2 years. From 2014-2015, he served as a head of the Computer Department at PTUK. Since 2015, he is Assistant Professor and dean of Engineering and Information Technology College at Palestine Ahliya University (PAU). He was among the key faculty members who established the Multimedia and Digital Production and Smart Systems Engineering programs at PAU. Dr. Hasasneh is leading many positions related to IT programs curriculum development, chair of preparatory committee for organizing an international conference on technology and entrepreneurship and others. Within the Palestinian German Science Bridge, Dr. Hasasneh has currently a joint research project and supervises a PhD thesis entitled: “Features extraction in resting state brain activity based on new machine learning methods”. Dr. Hasasneh published over 10 international journals & conferences and his research interests include: machine learning, deep learning, robotics, features extraction, recognition, robot localization, neurosciences, image processing & segmentation.
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