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الصفحة الشخصية - د. معاذ صبحه

عضو هيئة تدريس

الرتبة العلمية: 
أستاذ مساعد
التخصص الدقيق: 
Computer Graphics, Multimedia Technology, Computer Vision

تابعني على:

الشهادات العلمية: 
إسم الجامعة / الكليةالدرجة العلميةالتخصصDescription
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Computer Engineering-Computer Graphics
Studies focused in computer graphics in general, specialized in “Texture Synthesis”, Color Theory, and Digital Image Processing. The research group worked on rendering and Visualization in computer graphics. I have published several papers in international conference and a Journal paper on texture synthesis. The dissertation was about “Sample Based Texture Synthesis”.
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport
Computer Engineering
Studies focused in Computer Networking, and masters’ courses in data structures, artificial intelligence, and advanced database. The master thesis was “IP over ATM”. Served as Teaching Assistant for introductory programming classes and computer networks classes, responsible for assignment grading, class review sessions, and one-on-one student meetings.
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport
Electronics and Computer Engineering
I have two majors in my BSc, Electronics and Communications Engineering in addition to Computer Engineering. Specialized in Digital Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication Encoding and Decoding, Microprocessor, and Hardware. The final project was INMARSAT Encoder-Decoder. I was the founder of the PCC (Personal Computer Club) and a member in the electrical and electronics club.
الخبرات الأكاديمية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
Teaching Assistant
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maretime Transport
Part-Time instructor at the Computer Science Department
Birzeit University
Instructor at the Computer Science Department
Arab American University
I have updated and maintained the syllabus of the Computer Science Department, in addition to teaching many courses in the program including (Digital Logic Design, Programming Fundamentals I (C/C++), Object Oriented Programming (Java), Computer Networks, PC Upgrading and Maintenance and Artificial Intelligence). I have represented the faculty in the University council and the department in the Faculty of Information Technology Council.
Research Assistant
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
I have worked as a researcher in the field of computer graphics in the computer graphics research group in the computer science department under the supervision of Prof. Philip Dutrè. I have some publications as listed below, in addition to co supervision on some master’s thesis.
Assistant Professor at the EIT Department Head of the Multimedia Technology Department Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Arab American University
الخبرات الإدارية: 
منإلىحتى الآنالوصفالمؤسسةDescription
Vice President for Planning and Quality
Arab American University
This position is responsible for preparing the University’s strategic plan, follow up for implementing it by different university departments. It includes also the institutional research unit, the international projects unit and the academic quality unit. The academic program accreditation is also done through this position. The unit is responsible to cooperate with different other university departments to make cooperation with other institutions, national and international, students mobility and staff mobility. I am leading the ABET accreditation team for Computer Systems Engineering program.
President Advisor for Academic Ranking
Arab American University
This unit is a new unit for improving the university image in all aspects, focusing on the university ranking in different global ranks. In addition to that, improving the university image in the media and amongst the university costumers, the companies and institutions who hire our graduates. Working on the university branding is also one of the challenges of the unit. The university governance unit is also included in the university image unit.
Dean for The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Arab American University
In the Faculty of EIT, we have 6 undergraduate departments and one MSc department. I am leading a wonderful team for improving the education quality and bridging the gap between academia and private sector. Entrepreneurship startups and innovation is our theme for the two academic years 2014-2016.
Department Chair, Multimedia Technology Department
Arab American University
I have updated and maintained the syllabus of the Multimedia Technology Department, in addition to teaching many courses in the program including (Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Advanced Computer Graphics, Introduction to Multimedia, Computer Aided Design and Drafting, Digital Image Processing and Game Design and Development). I led a team of programmers to the ACM competition held in Alexandria-Egypt in November 2008. I was a member in the Faculty council. We have a new research group in the multimedia and computer graphics areas.
المقررات التي تم تدريسها: 
Course Titleالمستوى
دراسات عليا
Advanced Computer Vision
دراسات عليا
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
دراسات عليا
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
دراسة جامعية
Advanced Computer Graphics
دراسة جامعية
Computer Games Design and Development
دراسة جامعية
Introduction to Multimedia
دراسة جامعية
Digital Photography
دراسة جامعية
Digital Image Processing
دراسة جامعية
Color Theory
دراسة جامعية
Multimedia and Business
دراسة جامعية
Programming Fundamentals
دراسة جامعية
Computer Networks
دراسة جامعية
Advanced Color Theory
دراسات عليا
Seeking for a joint effort to improve the education operation in higher education institutions, to bridge the gap between academic bodies and industry, and to facilitate business opportunities in Information Technology, web design and programming, mobile programming and IT related academic programs curriculum development.
Curriculum Development
Game design and development
Interactive educational materials
Interactive 3D web application
Moodle 3.2
Full scholarship from the BTC for PhD in the KULeuven
Teaching Assistantship and MSc Scholarship from AASTMT
Honored student’s scholarship in the last two years of my BSc from the AASTMT
Al-Maqdisi Research fund, Digital Heritage
UniGOV, Erasmus+ project for university governance
السيرة الذاتية: 
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التاريخ العنوان
2008 Sample-Based Texture Synthesis
1999 IP over ATM