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Computer Science

Monday, December 24, 2018
Part of the defense of the Computer Science student, the researcher Khitam Ahmed Abu Hadia

The Researcher Khitam Asad Abu Hadia a computer science student at Faculty of Graduate studies at Arab American University discussed her MA thesis titled "Providing Adaptive Learning Content and Evaluations in the Learning of Moocs Platform Using Classification Algorithms".

The aim of the thesis is to provide a framework and a proposed adaptive learning model for the learner as an adaptive learning course through the content and evaluation tools that improve the level of education and the availability of learning needs, noting that the study contributed mainly to the use of automatic classification algorithms for adaptation and compatibility with the Moocs educational platforms to produce better results when applying the system.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Researcher Esraa Abdullah Noor, a MA in Computer Science student at the Arab American University, defended her master thesis titled "Reconstructing and Drafting Research Topics in Retrieving Medical Information"

In her thesis, she pointed to the main factors that search engines in the medical field rely on to return high-quality results to suit the users needs; their need to get vocabulary that best describes their information needs and that results quality dependes on the research techniques effectiveness and sources of medical terminology used by these engines. The researcher suggested several systems and methodologies to address the related problems to each of these factors independently.

Monday, May 14, 2018
Researcher Abeer Zarour, a Computer Science student at the Faculty of Graduate Studies

Researcher Abeer Abdullah Zarour, Computer Science at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, defended her master thesis entitled “Building a Methodology Based on the Terminology Classification to Separate the Applicants Resumes and Compare them to the Job Announcements”

The researcher pointed to the importance of extracting information from CVs in activating and accelerating the automatic screening of candidates, and the process of directing resumes towards the functional categories affiliated with them and arranging them automatically according to their fulfillment of the job announcements’ requirements.


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