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Monday, March 4, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis by Fouad Rasheed in the International Law and Diplomacy Program

Researcher Fouad Mamoun Rasheed, a student in the Master’s program in International Law and Diplomacy, has defended his thesis titled: “The Role of Informal Factors in Strengthening Palestinian Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy (1993-2023).”

The study aimed to identify the role of informal factors in strengthening Palestinian diplomacy: public diplomacy between 1993 and 2023. The researcher sought to analyze how unofficial parties interacted with the Palestinian government and how this cooperation contributed to strengthening Palestinian diplomatic efforts.

Sunday, March 3, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis on the Effect of Honey on Breast Cancer Cells at the Arab American University

Researcher Hadeel Habis Hamarsheh, a student of Cellular and Molecular Bio Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University, has defended her thesis titled “The Effect of Honey Samples on Breast Cancer Cells.”

In her thesis, the researcher touched on the effect of honey samples depending on the type of blossoms. There were some effects on cell growth in the laboratory. Thus, these samples reduced cancer cell growth, inflammation, and oxidation, in addition to limiting the spread of cancer cells.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Defense of a Master’s Thesis in the Cyber Security Program by “Al Sharif Hassan” Abu Rbian

Researcher “Al Sharif Hassan” Abu Rbian, a student in the master’s program in Cyber Security has defended his thesis titled: “Securing Financial Transactions via the Internet Using Multi-Factor Authentication and Machine Learning.”

The research deals the problem of the security of online financial transactions as a serious concern in an era in which digital financial services are being increasingly used. The increasing use of digital platforms for banking, payments and investment has created a new opportunities for hackers. In order to address this problem, the current study presents a unique system that integrates machine learning (ML) with multi-factor authentication (MFA).


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