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Thursday, August 24, 2023
AAUP Hosts a Researcher from the German Jülich Institute in a Workshop on Nuclear Medicine Applications

The Department of Medical Imaging at the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences at the Arab American University hosted Dr. Ahlam Issa, a researcher at the German Jülich Research Institute, in a workshop on nuclear medicine applications.

The workshop was attended by Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jamal, Head of the Medical Imaging Department, Dr. Samer Muhanna, and a number of master's students, in addition to students interested in the fields of nuclear medicine.

Dr. Issa emphasized the importance of nuclear medicine in diagnosing many intractable diseases that some techniques cannot diagnose.

Sunday, August 13, 2023
AAUP Hosts the Dentists Union Five-a-side Football Championship

The Arab American University’s Sports Hall hosted the football five-a-side championship of the Dental Association, under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs. Seven teams participated in the championship representing the Dental Association in the governorates of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The championship comes as a part of the extracurricular activities organized by the Dental Association for the sake of promoting meetings and cooperation between doctors.

Many interesting and competitive matches were played, where the Jerusalem Doctors Association team emerged at a distinguished level and won the title. At the end of the championship, the president and members of the association rewarded the top four ranking winners.

Sunday, June 25, 2023
AAUP Hosts a Delegation from the United Nations University

The Arab American University in Ramallah received a delegation from the United Nations University in Guimarães - Portugal, represented by Prof. Dr. Delfina Soares, Prof. Dr. Luis Barbosa, and Prof. Dr. Salim Zoghbi.

The delegation was received by Dr. Majdi Owda, holder of the UNESCO Chair in Data Science for Sustainable Development and Dean of the Faculty of Data Science, and Dr. Raed Shomali from the Department of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the Faculty of Graduate Studies. During the meeting, the two parties discussed the possibility of creating joint projects to develop and employ data science in various fields. They also discussed some of the challenges and obstacles facing some institutions in employing data science and devoting it to facilitate business and data access smoothly.


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