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Tuesday, January 2, 2024
An Aaup Student Participates in the Un Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates

Zina Rafidi, a student majoring in Medicine at the Arab American University who is a volunteer with Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), participated in the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 held in the United Arab Emirates.

Rafidi said about this experience "I was so proud to represent Palestine in this international conference, and the experience was inspiring, whereby the conference provided a platform for dialogue, cooperation and advocacy. I feel a sense of a new obligation to defend everyone's environment and rights; particularly those who are facing different challenges from those faced by me". She also pointed out that the support provided by them as youth was not limited to logistic aspects, but their participation formed a sense of community spirit and collective identity.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023
The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Meets the New Students

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University has held an orientation meeting with first-year students for the Academic Year 2023/2024, since they were met by Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Malek Zaben, and both of his Assistants; Dr. Ramez Zaid and Ms. Areej Shalbak. 

Dr. Malek welcomed the students, praised their commitment, attendance and choosing the major of Medicine, involving its long and arduous path on the one hand and challenging for creativity and achievement on the other. Moreover, Dr. Malek shared the story of his scientific career in order to encourage and motivate students to move forward with the aim of attaining their scientific dream and career.        

The meeting also included short lectures, in which they have been introduced to the Faculty of Medicine and the means of communication between the Faculty and students.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Part of the Lectures

The Faculty of Medicine at the Arab American University, in collaboration with the International Medical Education Trust, concluded the lecture series of “Teaching The Teachers” Program, which comes within the policy of the University and Faculty of Medicine for the advancement of medical education in the University in particular and Palestine in general.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asia, AAUP Vice President, inaugurated the Program with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, praising the efforts of the International Medical Education Trust (IMET), along with its interest and initiative to provide such crucial trainings that strive to improve the academic performance of the teaching staff at the Medical Faculties of the University. Prof. Dr. Asia highlighted that the University's supports and encourages these crucial trainings which fall within the University's development plans of its academic staff.       


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