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Monday, February 19, 2024
AAUP Researchers Participate in the Annual Palestine Forum in Doha

As part of AAUP’s commitment to promoting scientific research and participating in international academic forums, representatives of the University participated in the annual Palestine Forum in its second session 2024, which was held in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The participation included two research papers, the first by Ms. Rola Shahwan, Director of the Library and Archives on the University’s Ramallah campus, and the second was a joint research between Dr. Ayman Yousef, Professor of Political Science at the University, and Mr. Mustafa Sheta, Director of the Freedom Theater and graduate of the Master’s Program in Conflict Resolution and Development, who is currently imprisoned by the occupation.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
An Aaup Student Participates in the Un Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates

Zina Rafidi, a student majoring in Medicine at the Arab American University who is a volunteer with Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), participated in the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 held in the United Arab Emirates.

Rafidi said about this experience "I was so proud to represent Palestine in this international conference, and the experience was inspiring, whereby the conference provided a platform for dialogue, cooperation and advocacy. I feel a sense of a new obligation to defend everyone's environment and rights; particularly those who are facing different challenges from those faced by me". She also pointed out that the support provided by them as youth was not limited to logistic aspects, but their participation formed a sense of community spirit and collective identity.

Monday, September 11, 2023
Student Wahaj Bani Mufleh’s Work Displayed at a Photo Exhibition on the Palestinian Case in France

Wahaj Bani Mufleh, a student at the Faculty of Modern Media at the Arab American University, participated in an exhibition in Paris organized by French photographer Josy Draay entitled “Palestine: Resistance, Dignity, Solidarity.”

The exhibition included 20 carefully selected photographs of Beni Mufleh from multiple areas in Palestine, including Jenin and its camp, Nablus and its camps, and the town of Beita. The photographs were displayed alongside works by photographer Attia Darwish from the Gaza Strip.

The exhibition aims to shed light on the reality in Palestine and highlight the names of distinguished Palestinian photographers in the field of photojournalism. The exhibition was visited by more than 2,000 people interested in photography and the Palestinian case, in addition to a number of prominent figures.


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