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Saturday, June 27, 2020
The COVENT Ventilator

Directed by Dr. Yousef Asfour- the Head of the Board of Directors, Arab American University contributed in supporting the “COVENT Ventilator” project that is considered to be the first of its kind in Palestine.

This device is used for emergency cases only and has safety features that guarantee safe ventilation process with no complications. It is an electromechanical device with electromechanical parts, and the main part of it is the DC Motor that is connected to the device through an Oxygen Intake Cylinder Module that helps in the vital breathing process of inspiration and expiration.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019
AAUP Delegation Visits University of Evora in Portugal Within the University’s Governance Project

AAUP participated in a workshop held at the University of Evora in Portugal as part of the EU Governance Project, funded by the European Union "Erasmus Plus", that included partnership between ten Palestinian and European universities.

AAUP was represented by Dr. Muath Sabha, team leader, Dr. Amjad Ratrout, Dr. Nizam Diab, Dr. Ahmed Owais, Mr. Sami Awad, and Dr. Bashar Daraghmeh.

The participants discussed during the workshop their universities experiences regarding University Governance, and the workshop was accompanied by field visits to a number of facilities and centers of the University of Evora, including the Technological Center, the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Faculty of Ph.D, as they were able to explore the university’s experience in these fields.

Monday, September 2, 2019

The project “soft landing” is qualified for the two students Sewar Muhaid and Malk Shalabi from AAUP for the second phase with Ejada Entrepreneurship project, that is executed by the Excellence and Continuing Education Center at Hebron Polytechnic University in cooperation with Taawan institution.

The project is a tool (jacket and movable belt suspended in the ceiling for mobility and movement) designed for people with spinal cord injuries, stroke, neurological disorders affecting movement, as well as for elderly, where this tool prevents and reduces the rate of falls and complications.


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