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Student Affairs

Sunday, January 20, 2019
Part of the Workshop

The Deanship of Student Affairs at the University organized a workshop about storytelling its creation and publishing using mobile phones and social media. The workshop was organized in cooperation with “7amleh” the Arab Center for Advancement of Social Media with the launch of the Third Palestine Forum for Digital Activity 2019.

The two partner from “Hahstag our stories” and the founders Mr. Yousef Omar and Samyia Omar talked about the revolution made by "Selfi video" around the world, and its importance in social media and how to use mobile phones as an alternative to photography and publishing reports through live broadcasts. The workshop also focused on training students to attain the tools of using video programs and applications to document a particular event, as well as how to use the Hashtag to support their issues that concern them.

Sunday, January 13, 2019
Part of the Conference

The Deanships of Scientific Research and Student Affairs organized at Arab American University, sponsored by the President of the University, Professor Ali Zidan Abu Zuhri, the first counselling conference entitled "Psychological Counseling in Palestinian Universities: Reality and Aspirations".

The conference aims to raise awareness of the importance of psychological counselling in Palestinian universities and to develop and enhance the relationships between psychological counseling at the university and both at home and school since its considered as an educational institution before university education.

Monday, December 10, 2018
Part of the exhibition

The Deanship of Student Affairs at Arab American University organized in cooperation with the Student Union Council, a shopping exhibition aimed for the university students, to introduce national products and emphasizing the need to preserve the Palestinian heritage.​

The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Ali Zakarneh said that the exhibition includes heritage products, stationery and national products. The exhibition will go to student funds. The exhibition is an annual protocol organized to introduce students to the most prominent Palestinian companies that is now competing with other products.


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