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Monday, May 6, 2024
An AAUP Academician, Dr. Mujahed Zayed, Participates in an International Scientific Conference in the Republic of Iraq

The Lecturer at the Language Center at the Arab American University, Dr. Mujahed Zayed, has participated in the Eighth International Scientific Conference titled “Cognitive Pathways for Humanities and Social Sciences - Reality and Prospects of Leadership,” which was held at the Iraqi University of Wasit in the city of Kut.


Monday, April 29, 2024
AAUP Participates in the International Scientific Conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era”

The Arab American University participated in the events of the International Scientific conference “Media in the Post-Truth Era: Practicing Media Professions in an Information Perturbation Era,” which was held by the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences at Manouba University in Tunisia.

The Arab American University was represented at the conference by Dr. Said Abu Mualla, Head of the Digital Media Department at the Faculty of Modern Media, and Mr. Sudqi Mousa, Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Media at the Faculty of Arts and Education. Their participated was with a research paper titled “The Impacts of Information Perturbation on the Professional Performance of Palestinian Journalists in Their Coverage of the War against Gaza and the West Bank.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
An AAUP Academician Represented Palestine in the International Conference of the Arab Federation for Sports Culture

The Academician at the Arab American University, Dr. Saba Jarrar, representing the State of Palestine, has participated in the events of the First International Conference of the Arab Federation for Sports Culture. This conference was recently held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, titled Move Week. Dr. Jarrar was authorized by the President of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.

This international conference was held by the Arab Federation for Sports Culture under the auspices of the Egyptian Prime Minister. More than ten countries represented by a group of Arab youth and sports ministers, led by the President of the International Federation for Culture and Sports participated in the conference.


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