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The impact of customer personality and online brand community engagement on intention to forward company and users generated content: palestinian banking industry a case

Mahmoud Yasin
Lucia Porcu
Mohammed T. Abusharbeh
Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas
1331-677X (Print) 1848-9664
Journal Name: 
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja
Pages From: 
الأربعاء, سبتمبر 4, 2019
Online Brand Community; Customer personality; Company generated content; Users generated content
Personality five characteristics are playing crucial role on intention to forward Online Company Generated Content and user generated content mediated by online brand community engagement. This paper is applied on a case of banking industry in order to perceive a long run relationship between banks operating in Palestine and their customers. The total of 685 valid questionnaires were collected from online banking sector in Palestine, who is member of online brand community in Facebook. Moreover, the data were analysed and processed by structural equation model. The results reveal that personality traits (extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness) have positive influence on online brand community engagement. It also found that online brand community engagement plays vital role in inducing clients to forward CGC and UGC. Simultaneously, the results provide banks with a valuable implication on how banking industry can attract more customers in online brand community website and perceived trust of banks services and products.