fbpx Extraction of Relative Permittivity from Measured Reflection Coefficient of Dielectric Materials in the Frequency Range 207 – 247 GHz |الجامعة العربية الأمريكية
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Extraction of Relative Permittivity from Measured Reflection Coefficient of Dielectric Materials in the Frequency Range 207 – 247 GHz

• Isam Alawneh, Jan Barowski, Ilona Rolfes,
48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
Madrid, Spain
الأحد, سبتمبر 23, 2018
This work describes the use of millimetre wave technology to extract the dielectric constants of different types of dielectric materials. The extraction of the dielectric materials is based on measurements (i.e., monostatic measurements) of the reflection coefficient for various dielectric materials. The measurements are done by utilizing a frequency modulated continuous wave radar with a dielectric lens antenna. The investigated materials are broadly utilized as a part of our everyday life. The fundamental dielectric materials outcomes are done for the following accompanying materials: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), mainly Teflon, nylon, and. The measurements are done in the frequency range from 207 GHz to 247 GHz.