fbpx School University Consortium Using Social Media to Enhance Student Prospective and Academic Performance |الجامعة العربية الأمريكية
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School University Consortium Using Social Media to Enhance Student Prospective and Academic Performance

Derar Eleyan
Muath Sabha
Amna Eleyan
Journal Name: 
Journal of Education
Pages From: 
السبت, أكتوبر 1, 2022
This paper proposed an approach to enhance students performance and smoothen their integration in the university academic life. A social media forum is also proposed to ongoing communication to ease the life of the students and provide them with an exceptional opportunity to seek assistance and suppoirt from their peers and teachers. The research results exhibit that the majority of the students support and are eager to see this idea live and willing to play an active role and show full commitment. The consortium as a platform prepares the students, fosters and enables them to a smoothen transition to university, as well as improving their communication skills and academic performance by using mentoring, tutoring, and coaching techniques. Facebook was used as a communication and interactive tool among group members. The theme behind this platform is to construct academic group from final year school students, first year university students, schoolteachers, and university teachers. Each group has a mentor, coach, and tutor. Each member will play a specific role throughout the group, which will be highlighted in this paper. The outcomes were promising and interesting for both students, and their parents, also the teachers involved. It is recommended to disseminate this experience and publicize it.