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Self Concept of Athletic Teams Members of Al-Quds University and its Relation of their Achievement Motivation

Haifa Jamhour
الأربعاء, يوليو 20, 2011
Self Concept of Athletic Teams Members of Al-Quds University and its Relation of their Achievement Motivation
The study aimed at knowing the athletic achievement motivation and its relationship with self concept among athletic team’s players at Al-Quds University and the effects of the following variables: sex, major, educational level and major game of the student. The study problem was limited to answering the following main questions: What is the level of self concept of the athletic team members at Al-Quds University? Is there a significant correlation between self concept and the level of achievement motivation among the team’s members at Al-Quds University? To verify this, the researcher conducted her research using the descriptive –survey- method on a population of (130) team members. The researcher used two instruments one for self concept, prepared by Sawalhah (1990) the other for athletic achievement motivation, prepared by Willis (1998). Results showed a moderate degree of self concept of the team members and also a moderate degree of achievement motivation, success motivation was higher than that of failure avoidance. Results also showed no significant relationship (at α ≤ 0.05) between self concept and the level of achievement motivation among members of the athletic teams at Al-Quds University