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Hazardous Waste Management Policy


AAUP is committed to responsible environmental stewardship and the safe management of hazardous waste. This policy outlines AAUP’s dedication to protecting the health and safety of its community, as well as its environment, by establishing clear guidelines and procedures for the proper handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. By adhering to this policy, AAUP aims to minimize the environmental impact of its operations, ensure regulatory compliance, and promote a culture of sustainability.

Policy Statement

AAUP is dedicated to the following principles and standards for hazardous waste management:

  1. Compliance with Regulations:
    • AAUP will ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and standards governing the management of hazardous waste.
    • AAUP will regularly review and update its procedures to align with evolving environmental laws and regulations.
  2. Waste Minimization and Reduction:
    • AAUP prioritizes waste minimization by implementing practices that reduce the generation of hazardous waste at its source.
    • AAUP promotes the use of environmentally friendly alternatives and the recycling/reuse of materials whenever feasible.
  3. Safe Handling and Storage:
    • AAUP provides training and guidelines to all employees and stakeholders involved in the handling, storage, and transportation of hazardous waste.
    • AAUP maintains proper labeling, packaging, and storage facilities to prevent leaks, spills, or accidents.
  4. Transportation and Disposal:
    • AAUP will ensure that hazardous waste is transported by authorized carriers following all safety and regulatory requirements.
    • AAUP will contract with licensed and permitted disposal facilities to ensure the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of hazardous waste.
  5. Emergency Response and Preparedness:
    • AAUP will establish and maintain emergency response procedures to address incidents involving hazardous waste, including spill response and containment measures.
    • AAUP will provide training and resources to personnel to effectively respond to hazardous waste emergencies.
  6. Documentation and Record Keeping:
    • AAUP will maintain accurate records of hazardous waste generation, transportation, and disposal to be available if requested.
    • AAUP will make these records available for inspection by relevant authorities and conduct regular internal audits for compliance verification.

Implementation and Compliance

To ensure the successful implementation of this Hazardous Waste Management Policy, AAUP will:

  1. Appoint a committee led by a professional to oversee the implementation, communication, and monitoring of this policy.
  2. Provide comprehensive training and education programs for employees and stakeholders involved in hazardous waste management.
  3. Conduct regular audits to assess compliance with the policy and report findings to senior management.
  4. Continuously evaluate and enhance hazardous waste management procedures to minimize risks and environmental impact.


The following measures (indicators) can be used to assess the utilization of this policy:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Monitor the outcomes of regulatory audits and inspections to gauge the university’s compliance with hazardous waste management regulations.
  2. Waste Reduction: Track the reduction in hazardous waste generation and assess the accuracy of waste characterization processes to ensure waste minimization efforts are effective.
  3. Safety and Training: Measure staff participation in hazardous waste management training and monitor safety incidents related to hazardous waste handling.
  4. Proper Storage and Handling: Conduct regular inspections and audits of storage and handling areas, and analyze incident reports related to hazardous waste incidents.
  5. Emergency Response Readiness: Assess emergency response preparedness through drills and evaluate response times to hazardous waste emergencies.

Policy Ownership and Stakeholder(s)

Policy Owner

VP for Planning, Development, and Quality

Other stakeholder(s)

VP for Administrative and Financial Affairs