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Clinical Master in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics


Cognitive Goals:

  • Increase the human knowledge.
  • Develop the needed skills to conduct valuable scientific researches.
  • Train specialists in fixed and Removable prosthodontics with high standards and help them to fulfill the needs of the local and regional communities.
  • Focus on addressing issues that have an impact on the local and regional communities.


The program structure is divided into:

  1. A theoretical educational program: that includes different educational facilities to help students to learn through small group seminars, self-learning ways, and problem-based education to help students gain the advanced knowledge in fixed and Removable prosthodontics.
  2. Clinical training: to help students implement the theoretical knowledge and prepare treatment plans for patients, as students will be efficiently treating prosthodontics cases under supervision. 
  3. Full-time working hours for 3 days/week, as it will be full academic years (3 semesters) for 3 years (9 academic semesters).
  4. Comprehensive exam at the end of each year, and at the end of every course there will be short exams and continuous clinical evaluation according to the requirements of the Logbook.
  5. Thesis: which will be an original scientific research that can be published in a scientific journal.  



  • Train the graduate studies students to provide a high-quality treatment service to patients who have problems in their teeth.
  • Provide students with the needed skills to evaluate the scientific evidence effectively.
  • Encourage conducting scientific research.



  1. Enable students to develop their skills in the fixed and Removable prosthodontics trough lectures, discussion groups, clinical and lab training, preparing researches and writing medical reports.
  2. Build on the gained skills and knowledge from the bachelor degree phase.
  3. Enable students to understand the scientific basics and foundations of fixed and Removable prosthodontics with a focus on latest diagnostic and treatment methods.
  4. Help students to conduct and implement original and valuable scientific researches.
  5. Train students to provide a high-quality treatment service to patients who have problems in their teeth.
  6. Provide students with the research skills to be able to evaluate the scientific papers.


Careers of Graduates

By finishing this program, students will have a clinical master’s degree in fixed and Removable prosthodontics that is recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This degree will enable graduates to work in the private sector, in the Palestinian universities and in the medical and dental research fields.