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Clinical Master in Orthodontics


Due to the great development that the different medical sciences are witnessing in general, and the Dentistry field in specific, and due to the scarcity in the oral and dental specialties nationwide, Arab American University aspires to be the first to start graduate studies programs specialized in the dental field. This will help in providing the local and regional area with specialized dentists that will work to raise the dentistry professional level, especially as the infrastructure and the faculty members and staffs of AAUP are meeting the conditions and needs for the Clinical Master in Orthodontics to get started.

This 3 years program will provide students with advanced knowledge in Orthodontics through many theoretical and clinical practical educational programs.


  1. Train graduate students to providing high quality treatment services.
  2. Provide students with the needed skills to evaluate the scientific evidence effectively.
  3. Encourage students to conduct scientific researches.



  • Enable students to develop their Orthodontics treatment skills through lectures, study groups, clinical and laboratory training, researches and medical reports.
  • Improve and build on the previous knowledge and skills that students had during their undergraduate studies.
  • Enable students to understand the basics in Orthodontics treatment with a special focus on the recent diagnostic and therapeutic means.
  • Prepare students to conduct original and valuable scientific researches and apply their findings.
  • Train students to provide the best and high quality treatment for patients with gum diseases and for lack of teeth patients.
  •  Provide students with research skills to enable them to evaluate scientific papers.


Program Structure

The Clinical Master in Orthodontics is divided into the following:

  1. Theoretical Educational Program: It includes the different educational means from the study groups to small study groups to personal educational means and education based on specific problem. This will provide students with advanced knowledge in Orthodontics.
  2. Clinical Training: in this part, students will apply the knowledge they learned from the theoretical education in order to prepare plans and evaluate patients’ treatment. Students will be able to treat the Orthodontics problems under clinical supervision, and students need to show their efficiency in treating patients.
  3. Full-time, 3 days/week: Each academic year will be (3 semesters) and the program will be for 3 academic years (9 semesters).
  4.  Comprehensive Exam at the end of each academic year: At the end of each course, students will take short exams and will be under continuous clinical evaluation according to the Logbook.
  5. Thesis: Students need to write an original scientific research that can be published in a scientific journal.