The Continuing Education Unit at the Medical Center of the Arab American University in Ramallah announces a course entitled: Ultimate Esthetics with Composite
Under the supervision of Dr. Fadi Khuffash as follows:
Module I (prerequisite for module II):
Day 1 – 12/07/2023:
- Dental adhesives.
- Overview of composite materials.
- Posterior composite restorations (banding & wedging).
- Advanced posterior composite restorations.
Workshop (demo & hands-on training on phantom heads):
- Posterior composite restorations, class 1 & class 2.
Day 2 - 13/07/2023:
- Form-Texture-Harmony, art and visual perception applied to esthetic dentistry.
- Color & shade selection in dentistry
- Light curing technique.
- Diastema closure, layering techniques, finishing & polishing.
- Direct composite veneers & direct pulp capping
Workshops (demo & hands-on training on phantom heads):
- Isolation techniques
- Anterior composite restorations, silicon index, finishing & polishing
Module II (Dates to be announced in due time, pre-requisite: Ultimate Esthetics with Composite, Module I).
Day 1
- Live demo on patient: Rubber dam isolation & posterior composite restorations.
- Hands-on with patients: Rubber dam isolation & posterior composite restorations.
Day 2
- Live demo on patient: Rubber dam isolation & anterior composite restorations.
- Hands-on with patients: Rubber dam isolation & anterior composite restorations.