An MA student in the field of data science and business analysis at the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies at the Arab American University, Abdulhakeem Ahmed Al-Ardah, passed the defence of his thesis for obtaining the M.A degree. The thesis is entitled “Heart Disease Prediction & Disease Type Classification Using Machine Learning”
The thesis relied on merging heart disease databases, and an accurate and effective machine learning system to obtain high classification accuracy. The proposed research method included an initial stage to predict the existence of heart disease, followed by a smart classification to determine the type of heart disease using machine learning. The classification of the disease depends on the results in the initial stage.
Both models will help expand the use of medical information for future work, with a focus on preserving community health and reducing mortality. This study is the first of its kind to use machine learning algorithms to classify types of heart disease.
The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Awad, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Arab American University. At the end of the defence, the committee consisting of the supervisor Prof. Dr. Mohammed Awad from the Arab American University, the internal examiner Dr. Rami Hodrob from the Arab American University, and the external examiner Dr. Thaer Samar from the University of Palestine decided to grant the student Abdulhakeem Al-Ardah the M.A degree.