Students of the Bachelor of Arts in Virtual Reality Program at the Faculty of Modern Sciences at the Arab American University in Ramallah have had an educational field tour within the “Visual Communication” course under the supervision of Dr. Moeen Hasona.
The tour included a visit to the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit, where the students watched the “This is Not an Exhibition” exhibition, which displays various works of art, video art, and paintings by artists from Gaza. The students had an opportunity to discuss their ideas with the artist Raafat Asaad, who shared with them his experiences and artistic works within his exhibition “Residential Square.”
The students then continued their tour at Zawya Gallery, where they learned about the works of Gazan visual artist Maysara Barod in his exhibition “I’m Still Alive,” in which he expressed the situations of displacement, destruction, and life in light of the unjust war that the Gaza Strip is suffering from.
At the end of the tour, the students visited Bab Al-Deir Gallery, where they saw the exhibition “From Our Room in the Camp” by the young visual artist Wadea’ Khaled.
These activities provide a good opportunity for students to acquire practical and cultural skills in the field of visual arts and enhance a comprehensive understanding of arts and culture.