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The University has a number of academic and administrative boards tasked with making sure that the academic and administrative work is up and running smoothly as well as laying the foundations and instructions that ensure proper functioning. 

The Board of Trustees 
The Board of Trustees crafts the necessary policies, devel¬ops the financial plan and promotes the outstanding academ¬ic atmosphere. 

The University Council 
The University Council is consisted of the following: The university president, vice presidents and assistants, faculties’ deans, a representative from each faculty, two administra¬tors, two representatives of the local community and a repre¬sentative of the Students Union. The Council enacts the gen¬eral policy of the University in a way that guarantees quality education and meets the needs of the Palestinian national development.

Council of Deans 
The Council of Deans is consisted of the university president, vice presidents and assistants and the deans of the faculties. The Council is authorized and entrusted to implement the academic programs within the estab¬lished standards and policies. It also makes the decisions needed to implement the academic-related regula¬tions. 

Faculty Councils 
Each Faculty Council is made up of the dean, the heads of academic departments in each faculty and a rep¬resentative from each academic department. Each Faculty Council reviews and promotes the academic and administrative affairs of the respective faculty; liaises between academic departments in the faculty as well as between the faculty and other faculties of the University. The Council provides policy recommendations to the Council of Deans. 

Department Councils 
Each academic department has a council encompassing all the academic staff members of that department. The Councils are tasked with tackling the academic and administrative issues of the departments and pro¬viding the faculty councils with policy recommendations. The department councils also develop syllabi and assess student’s performance. They also endeavor to build the capacities of the departments’ staff members.