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Sunday, November 4, 2018
Part of the Conference

The director of the orthodontic program at Arab American University, Dr. Imad Abdul Khaliq, participated in the Orthodontics Conference of Mediterranean countries, held recently in Alexandria Egypt, with the participation of the world's leading lecturers.

Dr. Abdul Khaliq presented a research paper entitled "Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment for facial asymmetry and occlusion in orthodontics". The participants expressed the advanced level that the Arab American University has reached to, especially in the orthodontic program, where treatments are made through the latest scientific methods.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Part of the Conference

The Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center at the Arab American University organized an academic conference in cooperation with the Polish Representation in Palestine on October held at the University Campus in Ramallah with the participation of Palestinians and Poles academics and specialists.

This activity is one example of the Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center’s many activities aimed to enrich scientific and academic knowledge for conflict resolution students & literature and cultural communication students, as it hosts cultural and academic discussions between students and civil society organizations and international partners. This conference was held on the same day that marks the 100th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Poland.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Policy & conflict resolution studies center had finished its preparation for the Polish – Palestinian Academic Conference about “National Narratives”, the will be held in the university Ramallah campus in the 2nd of October 2018, with the participation of Polish and Palestinian academics and researchers.

The conference come also with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence, the conference aims to explore both the Polish and Palestinian national narratives through its historical phases, as it aims in building the and new all exclusive national narrative for both countries during the era of globalization, branding and public diplomacy.


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