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Ceremony for honouring 90 students who finished two symposiums

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The office of the vice-president for the Community Affairs organized a ceremony to honour 90 students who finished two training symposiums “the skills to finding jobs” and “Intel training” that was organized by the university with collaboration with the Palestinian Education for Employment Foundation.
Dr. Nizam Thiab- the vice-president for the Community Affairs welcomed the presence, and praised the role that the Palestinian Education for Employment Foundation does to improve employment in Palestine. He expressed his appreciation to this joint collaboration between the foundation and the university, and asserted on the importance of such symposium that encourages students to motivate their skills in their practical lives.
The trainee official praised the university that is concerned in its students and also indicated that the foundation had a scientific base for its symposiums to acquire administrative and entrepreneur skills that help them to start their own way successfully.
The presences discussed the impact of such training courses on students and at the end of the ceremony all students were honoured.