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Digital Forensics: Crimes and Challenges in Online Social Networks Forensics

Journal of the Arab American University, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2020

The growth in online social networks (OSNs) has opened up communication and interaction between people and businesses across the globe. This open communication has improved international trade, but it has simultaneously created a channel for perpetrating cybercrimes such as cyberbullying and harassment, cyberstalking, slander spreading, copyright infringement and identity theft, and cyber-extremism. Despite the many cybercrimes on OSNs, challenges exist in investigating and prosecuting criminals behind these crimes. The perpetrators of these crimes use sophisticated anti-forensic techniques, legal challenges, and resource-based challenges to prevent prosecution. They limit forensic investigations making it challenging to obtain a conviction. The challenges in conducting OSNs forensics point to a grey area regarding combating crime and the online safety of global citizens. This article examines the different cybercrimes on OSNs and the challenges encountered in conducting digital forensics on OSNs. It forms a basis for motivating consistent and unified support across the globe to combat cybercrimes committed through OSNs.


Anti-forensic Techniques, Cybercrimes, Online Social Networks, Digital Forensics