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Friday, February 11, 2022
Prof Bashar Saad

Stanford University announced that Scientist Bashar Saad- a lecturer in Arab American University was chosen among only 2% of a list of best scientists in the world for the year 2021 for his distinguish and excellent scientific researchers. This classification is considered one of the most famous around the world and it depends on bibliometric information (that uses statistics methods and mathematics to analyze documents’ data0 that is listed in Scopus database.

Prof. Bashar Saad has a good reputation in the scientific fields around the world and he has a special presence with his researches, lectures and scientific books in the international scientific platforms. Prof. Saad spent almost 20 years in the esteemed Switzerland universities where he got his PhD in Biochemistry and started his career life as a post-PhD in Neuroscience in ETH Institute. He was assigned as a lecturer and a researcher in the same institute in the field of the new methods in testing toxicity and then an assistant professor of Tissue Engineering.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
AAUP Gets the Second Place in the GreenMetric Evaluation for the Palestinian Universities

Arab American University got the second place between other Palestinian universities in the GreenMetric evaluation for the year 2021. By getting the second place this year, AAUP has headed the last year evaluation when the university got the third place.

All universities get evaluated annually by GreenMetric evaluation, and this evaluation relay on some standards including sustainability in education and scientific research, the development of infrastructure, the sustainability of energy and water, transportation to and from the university and the communication with the university.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
AAUP Ranked 8th among Top 25 Universities in the International Joint Publications Criterion, in the U-Multirank Classification

Arab American University announced being ranked in the 8th place globally among other top 25 universities in the International joint publications criterion among International Orientation in the U-Multirank classification

This global rank includes 1948 universities from 97 different country around the world, and only two universities applied for this classification that gives the ranking based on different standards of five main fields.

The ranking result came in harmony with Arab American University’s strategy that encourages the international view of the university and encourages the joint scientific research with other universities and global researchers.


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