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Environmental Sustainability Policy


AAUP recognizes its responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for current and future generations. This Environmental Sustainability Policy outlines the university’s commitment to promoting sustainable practices, minimizing our environmental impact, and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. By integrating sustainability into our operations, curriculum, and campus life, AAUP strives to lead by example and inspire positive change.

Policy Statement

AAUP is dedicated to the following principles of environmental sustainability:

  1. Resource Conservation:
    • AAUP promotes the efficient use of natural resources, including energy, water, and raw materials, throughout all areas of the university.
    • AAUP strives to reduce waste generation and implement recycling programs to minimize our consumption and environmental footprint.
  2. Climate Action:
    • AAUP aims to mitigate and adapt to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our operations and activities.
    • AAUP explores and implements renewable energy solutions, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable transportation alternatives.
  3. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection:
    • AAUP recognizes the value of biodiversity and ecosystems and works to protect and restore them within our campus and surrounding areas.
    • AAUP promotes sustainable land use practices, the conservation of native species, and the preservation of natural habitats.
  4. Sustainable Procurement:
    • AAUP prioritizes environmentally friendly and socially responsible procurement practices, giving preference to products and services with low environmental impact.
    • AAUP supports fair trade, local sourcing, and sustainable certifications, considering the lifecycle impacts of our purchasing decisions.
  5. Sustainable Infrastructure and Facilities:
    • AAUP integrates sustainable design principles into the construction, renovation, and maintenance of our buildings and infrastructure.
    • AAUP strives for energy-efficient and environmentally conscious practices, including sustainable water management, waste reduction, and green building certifications.
  6. Environmental Education and Awareness:
    • AAUP promotes environmental literacy and raises awareness about sustainability among students, faculty, staff, and the wider community.
    • AAUP integrates sustainability concepts into our curriculum, research, and campus engagement activities to inspire environmentally responsible behavior.
  7. Collaboration and Partnerships
    • AAUP actively seeks collaboration with local communities, industry partners, and governmental organizations to address regional and global environmental challenges.
    • AAUP engages in partnerships and initiatives that promote sustainability, knowledge sharing, and collective action.

Implementation and Compliance

To ensure the effective implementation of this Code of Ethics Policy, AAUP will:

  1. Establish the AAUP sustainability club/team to oversee the development, implementation, and monitoring of sustainability initiatives.
  2. Set measurable goals and targets to track our progress and continuously improve our environmental performance.
  3. Engage stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and the community, in sustainability efforts through awareness campaigns, events, and educational programs.
  4. Conduct regular assessments and audits to evaluate the effectiveness of our sustainability practices and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Integrate sustainability considerations into strategic planning, policies, and decision-making processes across all departments and disciplines.


The following measures (indicators) can be used to assess the utilization of this policy:

  1. Energy Consumption Reduction: Percentage reduction in energy consumption compared to a baseline period.
  2. Waste Reduction and Recycling Rate: Percentage increase in recycling rate and reduction in overall waste generated.
  3. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Percentage reduction in the university's carbon emissions compared to a baseline period.
  4. Sustainable Practices Integration: Number of sustainable practices integrated into university operations, curriculum, and campus facilities.
  5. Stakeholder Awareness and Engagement: Number of awareness campaigns and events held, and the percentage of stakeholders engaged in sustainability initiatives.

Policy Ownership and Stakeholder(s)

Policy Owner

AAUP Sustainability Team/Club

Other stakeholder(s)

VP Office for Planning, Development, and Quality
VP for Administrative and Financial Affairs