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Master in Political Science and Digital Diplomacy


  1. Provide the students with knowledge of current practices of traditional, public and digital diplomacy.
  2. Enable the student use analytical skills to propose solutions to diplomacy challenges.
  3. Instill within the students an understanding of the relationship between international relations, political science, public relations and diplomacy.
  4. Strengthen the student’s ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative social sciences research.
  5. Provide students with an understanding of contemporary digital diplomacy and its applications in government, business and nonprofits.
  6. Strengthen the student’s ability to use social media and other forms of new media to increase organizational reputation and standing through public relations initiatives. 
  7. Instill within the students the ability to take a leadership role during periods of change and crisis and to communicate effectively with all constituents.



  • Demonstrate an understanding of the theories of traditional, public and digital diplomacy and develop the ability to apply these theories to address contemporary issues.
  • Examine the functions of public and digital diplomacy in political science and international relations.
  • Employ critical thinking skills to address diplomacy challenges and make effective decisions in business, nonprofit and political organizations.
  • Utilize traditional and social media to manage a reputation and an image for an organization and respond to any potential crisis.
  • Evaluate emerging technologies used in digital diplomacy and use those technologies to help promote an organization’s strategic goals.
  • Employ analytical skills to design and conduct research on the evolving digital diplomacy landscape.
  • Develop the ability to take a leadership role in an organization and to communicate strategically across all forms of media.